Managing Misconduct with an End-to-End Solution

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Managing misconduct efficiently is critical for organizations to maintain ethical and compliant workplaces. Research has found that it only takes one toxic employee to impact the engagement, performance, and retention of an organization. End-to-end misconduct management can help to get to the root of these issues while also mitigating potential legal, financial, and reputational risks that can be detrimental to an organization’s bottom line.

Despite the drastic need for misconduct management, most solutions only offer pieces of the puzzle, focusing on reporting or policy creation, requiring organizations to spend additional resources to fully manage misconduct incidents. In the post-#MeToo era, managing misconduct effectively requires an end-to-end solution to provide real resolution, mitigate risks, and save organizations both time and money.

The Challenges of Managing Misconduct in the Workplace

Many organizations rely on disconnected systems or internal processes to manage misconduct in the workplace, which creates gaps in communication and delays resolution. It also makes it challenging to understand the issues at hand, make data-driven decisions, and ultimately get to the root of the problem. In addition, despite best efforts, internal investigations can be subject to unintentional bias, inconsistencies in reporting, and conflicts of interest, undermining trust in the process and potentially harming any findings. Failing to properly manage and resolve misconduct issues could lead to lawsuits, reputational damage, employee turnover, and more.

Why Organizations Need an End-to-End Solution

An end-to-end solution provides a centralized platform where every step—from reporting to resolution—is managed in one system. For employees, this simplifies the reporting process and provides clarity on where their report is housed. For organizational leadership, real-time data from the platform allows them to quickly assess workplace dynamics, identify trends, and allocate resources to address concerns effectively. With an end-to-end solution, organizations can resolve issues faster, mitigating the risk of escalation while demonstrating to employees that their reports are taken seriously and will result in appropriate  disciplinary actions.

Many misconduct solutions often offer the reporting needs, providing a space for employees to report incidents that occur. From that point, the report is then turned back over to the organization or HR department to conduct the investigation. This can pull time and resources away from HR, as well as other team members, reducing productivity. End-to-end solutions that cover the entire process—from reporting and investigations to resolution—free up time and resources from the internal departments, maximizing operational efficiency while also mitigating the risk of potential bias or delays.

Work Shield Streamlines the Misconduct Management Process

As an end-to-end misconduct management solution, Work Shield provides comprehensive management of all types of misconduct, streamlining the process every step of the way. Through its reporting feature, employees can report incidents anonymously or non-anonymously 24/7 through a safe and secure portal or via call center. For investigated incidents, a Work Shield investigator provides a fair and unbiased resolution, helping organizations address issues effectively and promptly.

While the national average for delivering resolutions is roughly one month, Work Shield typically provides recommendations within a fraction of the time, delivering timely and effective resolutions. This helps employees know their voices are heard and their health and safety is a priority while also mitigating the risk of potential escalation to litigation or reputational damage to the organization. In addition to this streamlined process, Work Shield provides real-time data for a comprehensive view of an organization’s misconduct so leaders can make more strategic decisions to improve the cultural health of their organization.

Full Service is the Future of Misconduct Management

Organizations are tired of a piecemeal approach to misconduct management. Work Shield’s end-to-end misconduct management solution removes the burden from internal teams, saving time and resources that would be spent handling the remaining pieces of misconduct management internally. With Work Shield, organizations can have peace of mind that misconduct is being effectively reported, investigated, and resolved, promoting ethical and compliant workplaces.

Learn more about Work Shield’s misconduct solution here.


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