How to Manage Risk in the Midst of a Pandemic

How to Manage Risk in the Midst of a Pandemic Work Shield Blog

As the world is beginning to understand and navigate the very real impact of COVID-19 on our economy, personal lives and businesses, we want you to know that Work Shield is here and committed to ensuring you and your employees are able to operate in a safe, stable environment, wherever that may be.


  • Stay up to date on new workplace harassment and discrimination guidelines as they relate to COVID-19. You can find an easily-digestible summary of current information and guidance from the EEOC and WHO here. Access to the full EEOC-published document found here.
  • Ensure your employees are aware that while they may be working remotely, they still have a voice! A person can experience harassment or discrimination via emails, phone calls, video calls, etc… If they experience bad behavior digitally from a co-worker, manager or independent contractor, it should be reported to Work Shield as soon as possible for investigation and resolution.
  • Make sure you and your employees are aware of the threat unconscious bias can have on a workplace (remote or otherwise). This happens when we treat a person in a way that is considered unfair based on our own personal prejudices (oftentimes without even realizing we are doing it).

In light of the current pandemic, some groups who may experience heightened unconscious bias, discrimination and hostility:

  • Communities that have been identified as at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19 – those with underlying conditions, communities of color, immigrant communities and low-income communities among them. People of Asian descent have been particularly impacted by racism and discrimination as a result of COVID-19.
  • Working parents who will benefit from the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA – i.e., emergency paid sick leave) and the existing Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

As employers, it is vital to recognize any unconscious bias, hostility or discriminatory behavior we may exhibit when making staffing and hours decisions, working from home arrangements and establishing re-entry policies. __________________________________________________________________________________

Get more best practices for managing workplace harassment and discrimination.


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