Culture: Are you protecting yours?

Culture is the lifeblood of your organization.  Work Shield can help make good culture great, and keep great cultures protected. Even great workplaces have unique issues. Why not take your culture to the next level?

The Work Shield Solution

Create a Culture You Can be Proud of.

With Work Shield, you can have confidence that your organization is equipped with the right resources to cultivate a thriving culture of respect, inclusion and long-term retention. When your team witnesses leadership effectively managing workplace misconduct and incidents, they will feel empowered and feel valued.

employees rebuilding company culture

Strengthen Culture and Improve Productivity

Gain peace of mind that your employees are protected and your reputation is preserved.

# lives covered
0 +
# of clients protected
0 +
Faster than nat'l. avg.
0 x
Total client savings
$ 0 +

Protect the Fabric of Your Workplace Culture.

Toxic cultures can be jumbled mess. Find out how Work Shield can unwind the issue of workplace misconduct in your organization. 

Three Steps to Success

Build a Culture That Lasts

Partnering with Work Shield sends a message that you are deliberate in safeguarding the well-being and inclusion of your employees. Work Shield helps you instill integrity and trust in your team through thorough reporting, investigations and resolutions.



Have confidence in reporting workplace misconduct, safely and anonymously through our secure portal via mobile, computer or 24/7 call center.



Our team takes the lead on all investigations to mitigate internal biases and protect both the employee and the organization.



We focus on fair resolution for all parties involved through recommendations to reduce risk and protect workplace culture.

Let our Incident Management Platform change the game for your organization.

toxic workplace culture Work Shield solution

Allow voices to truly #BeHeard through our thorough investigations that provide a clear path to resolution,
all while improving your workplace culture.

Measure Impact

Get a clear picture of overall culture data, and identify trends with real-time dashboard analytics and culture data.

Drive performance

Safe environments where employees are empowered are nearly 5x more likely to perform their best work.

Support your mission

Attract top talent and foster an open culture where people can will be heard and feel confident to speak up.

Reduce toxicity

Mitigate financial risk and alleviate industry reputational risk for organizations and executives.

What People Say About Us

Client Testimonials

Ready to boost your workplace culture and give your employees a voice to be heard?